*WARNING: students that upload late and miss the Dropbox will get 0%
Biped Rigging, Skinning Test (ST) Module 08
This will be completed in class during module 08. Students will demonstrate proficiency with biped rigging workflow in class, using the provided mesh (WW1 soldier by Jeremy Dilks) fitted to match the soldier mesh, students will then skin and modify the weighting of the skin for proper deformation. A basic range of motion animation is included on the character to demonstrate the deformation of the rig.
*WARNING* be sure to add the skin modifier in figure mode, or the bones will be misaligned!
Hand in will be as follows:
- Animation preview of entire animation (x0-210)
- Mpeg4 compressed avi
- 960x540 resolution
- High 3/4 view (use SHOT_CAM camera in scene)
- Named <Last>_<First>_ST.avi (eg. Latour_David_ST_.avi)
What I'll be grading on this:
- Is the animation preview created from the SHOT_CAM view?
- Is the hand in file named correctly, in the ST folder, with proper resolution and compression?
- Is the skin correctly attached and weighted to the biped mesh?
- Does the character deform without significant loss or increase of volume?
- Do hinge joints (elbows,knees, fingers) have a sharp bend on the outside and tight fold inside?
- Do ball joints (shoulder, hip) affect the correct amount of area without loss/gain of volume?
- Do the fingers of the biped line up with the mesh (skin added in figure mode)?
Hand in will be an in-class demonstration in week 08
---------------Using the weight tool dialogue will be necessary to get a good final result. |
Some useful tutorials for this exercise
Voxel and heatmap 2017
Autodesk tutorial
Autodesk – doc for tool Jeremy described
Autodesk Learning Channel - Animation Techniques - Voxel Solver with the Skin Modifier
Autodesk channel (old) skin mirror tools
Mirroring skin weights
from Jonathon (thanks kindly: you rock!)