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I always recommend you start with a striking image that captures the core assignment concept |
This assignment is worth ??% of your final grade and is due at the <timedue>. Now I use:
Please refer to FOL for assignment weighting and due date.
Assignment Name (AN) This is a description of the assignment. Start by explaining what assets the students will be using, what they will do with them and what the point of the assignment is. Follow with any qualifiers like: what to avoid, where their focus should be, how long this will take them. Then describe assignment scope. How many pictures, assets or seconds? How long the item will be? e.g. This animation will be exactly 10 seconds long (240 frames at 24fps) Featured principles: Squash & Stretch, Anticipation, Staging, Straight Ahead/Pose to Pose, Overlap/Follow Through, Slow In/Out, Arcs, Secondary Action, Timing, Exaggeration, Posing (Solid Drawings), Appeal
Assignment Name (AN) This is a description of the assignment. Start by explaining what assets the students will be using, what they will do with them and what the point of the assignment is. Follow with any qualifiers like: what to avoid, where their focus should be, how long this will take them. Then describe assignment scope. How many pictures, assets or seconds? How long the item will be? e.g. This animation will be exactly 10 seconds long (240 frames at 24fps) Featured principles: Squash & Stretch, Anticipation, Staging, Straight Ahead/Pose to Pose, Overlap/Follow Through, Slow In/Out, Arcs, Secondary Action, Timing, Exaggeration, Posing (Solid Drawings), Appeal
Hand-in file parameters:
- Movie file type must be .MOV or .MP4
- Either H.264 or MPEG4 compression
- 1920 x 1080 resolution
- Animation controls, resolution gate hidden
- Frame counter (current frame) visible
- File size must be less than <250 MB
- File must be named as follows:
<Your last name>_<Your first name>_<assignment code>.<file type>
eg. Latour_David_AN.mov
What I'll be grading on this assignment:
- A list of questions describing the parameters I'm evaluating. (my rubric) Limit to 5 criteria.
- Try to offer suggestions within the rubric, for example (using chocolate chip cookies)
- Is the texture of the cookie soft but not dry? (If they're too gooey, bake longer. Too dry? Bake less)
- List the criteria in order of importance, the first being most essential.
- Think about the point of the assignment when making this rubric: what do you want them to learn?
After this I follow with any demo material, ideally a step by step walk-through of the assignment with example files to show what the progress of an ideal assignment looks like.
How much work is achievable in one week? It needs to be enough progress so you're able to assess student understanding of concepts shown as well as ability to apply them effectively. Example: for bouncing ball with tail, just have them complete the core movement.
Part 2
The next chunk of work for students to accomplish. Consider that revisions on Part 1 will likely be needed or in some cases a complete re-start on the assignment. Peer feedback can be especially useful at this stage as issues are typically easy to identify and simple to fix. Example: for bouncing ball with tail, just have students revise their earlier project and add squash/stretch.Part 3
The last chunk of work, mindful that revisions may be needed on both Parts 1 and 2. A shorter assignment completed successfully is more valuable that an large incomplete attempt. Manage scope carefully and adjust based on student progress in Part 1. Example: for bouncing ball with tail, just add the tail animation along with any corrective revisions.Part 4
Feedback on all prior elements to have students complete assignment. Focus on generating a polishing list that students can execute.A final message of encouragement goes at the end. Have fun!
- Dave