Scripts and Tools

Despite the old adage: 'A poor carpenter blames their tools' I still wouldn't hire a carpenter that uses a rock instead of a hammer.

Tech Workflow/Tips

A list of my favorite tools for Maya

Pose2Shelf  - dead simple Mel script to make pose and selection buttons on the maya shelf

Studio Library  - a more robust solution for saving libraries of poses.

bhGhost - Overlap and follow through, polishing are made much easier with this tool 

Delete Decimal Keys - if you work with mocap, or you scale animation a lot - this will save you

whSetZeroKey - Sets selected object Tran/Rot = 0 and vis/scale + 1. Filtered by channel box selection. 

Works best  when bound to a hotkey. Here's how to set up the script and bind it to a hotkey:

Mel Script for hiding stuff in the view (copy and paste the stuff between the ----)


// this hides everything in your view windows except NURBS and Polygons (in the viewport menu under "show") ;
// it also activates selection masking for everything except NURB curves

modelEditor -e -allObjects 0 modelPanel4;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves true modelPanel4;
modelEditor -e -polymeshes true modelPanel4;

modelEditor -e -allObjects 0 modelPanel3;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves true modelPanel3;
modelEditor -e -polymeshes true modelPanel3;

modelEditor -e -allObjects 0 modelPanel2;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves true modelPanel2;
modelEditor -e -polymeshes true modelPanel2;

modelEditor -e -allObjects 0 modelPanel1;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves true modelPanel1;
modelEditor -e -polymeshes true modelPanel1;

//this part turns on selection masking
setObjectPickMask "All" 0;

setObjectPickMask "Curve" true;


Animating Metahuman in Maya

Popular Tools I don't use

ATools  - retired and replaced by AnimBot. Tutorial video HERE

Tween Machine - not my cup of tea, but lots of people love it for building in-betweens

Handbrake - freeware video encoder.

Where to look for Tools?

High End 3d - be sure to use sort and filter to find something useful.

and the obvious: Google search: 'Maya plugins scripts tools'