My Teaching Portfolio


the first image I share with students:
'what I am, and what I am not'

A transparent, client oriented approach with clear expectations, patience, positivity, and professionalism. 

My ultimate goal is always skill development and practical application. I strive to maximize transparency in my teaching and invite feedback.

Client oriented

I remind my students that I am their employee. Their tuition makes my work (and the school) possible. However, they have hired me with some very specific expectations: that I adhere to high standards, I provide clear and timely communication and I assess their work based on industry expectations for entry level artists.


My teaching time is owed to all my students, even (and especially) those that struggle. Questions are welcome and encouraged, especially "I still don't understand: can you show me?" 


The film/television/game art industry can be daunting. There are some very deep challenges to navigate. In spite of this, the creative process is incredibly rewarding and can make it all worth while. I strive to share my enthusiasm for the artistic process, the satisfaction of creating the best quality content possible and the joy of learning new skills. 


When substandard work is identified, frank conversations are required: My clients deserve honesty. The industry holds to this same standard so I am committed to preparing my students for this reality. A lifelong career of growth is the reward.


Understanding why we do things is as critical to success as the what and how. I strive to make my methodology apparent. I share my lesson plans and provide a view to my working approach. As a fellow learner, I also seek feedback on where I am successful and where I can improve. 

Technology, Tools

Discord. An instant messaging app for mobile and desktop. Includes video/voice chat and screen sharing. Useful during class time and outside of it. Building community in the class and modeling professional communication habits.

Welcome to My Blog. This is my teaching sandbox. It is my live portfolio. It's a window for students and parents to look through as I create and revise class content. There's a main post for each semester, with summary links to tutorials, assignments, and resources. The archive is perpetually available so that the evolution of my process can be seen. Latest Home Post is here.

Starting Template - Assignment Description Page   Below are some completed examples:

Rubric for the BT assignment

The Ball with Legs Jump (BLJ)

The Conversation Movie (CM)

Finally, A Teaching Demonstration - showing a 20 min breakdown of an example lesson.

Thanks for your time and attention!