But is it really week 7, with 5 weeks since the last module?
Here's what I'll be experimenting with today:
Make some bones, then make a cylinder, then skin that sucker.
Hand in on the two strike attack will be at the end of class in week 9.
Basic skinning tutorial video HERE
The plan (so far) going forward for the rest of the term:
M07 (right now, the present) relaunch the 2S attack, show simple bone and skin mod
M08 more goofing around with rigging, last feedback on 2S
M09 Rigging Biped: Soldier Mesh, bone placement, modifying skin weights. Hand in 2S
M10 More rigging with Biped: check on soldier mesh (15%) Hand off finished rig.
M11 (Dec 18-22: end of year) first pass on animation set idle, run and attack (15%)
M12 feedback on animation set
M13 hand in animation set (40%)