Checkpoint will be at Module 13 and Final hand in will be in week 15
(Tuesday Aug 21st @11:59 pm)
Final (F) Module 12-15. <Refer to the provided word document in the week 12 folder on FOL>
Featured animation principles: Solid Drawing (Posing), Ease In/Out, Anticipation, Overlap/Follow Through and Staging.
Hand in will be a zip file containing animation preview movies with the following output parameters:
1. File will be an .avi or mp4 using Mpeg4 compression. (uncompressed = >100 Mb)
2. Avi resolution will be HD540 (960x540 resolution)
3. Zip file will be called <Lastname>_<Firstname>_Final.avi
4. Files within will be named <Lastname>_<Firstname>_<Animation>.avi
eg. a zip archive called containing the following files:
What I'll be grading on this assignment:
- Are principles of Posing evident and well applied? (Line of Action, Silhouette, and Balance.)
- Does the character have a believable and consistent sense of mass? (Balance, Ease In/Out.)
- Are there enough breakdowns to create complexity in the animation? (Overlap/Follow Through.)
- Is the assignment named properly, in the right format, in the correct folder? (Precision matters!)
- Is the camera placed to best show your work? (Staging: Keep the character large and mostly in frame.)
Use your words Mr. Robot, not your fists! |
- Attendance / Check in
- Recap of Robot Jump (note especially ease out/in)
- Reminder of Checkpoint next week (10%)
- Spot check of Robot Punch (RP) progress (find examples to revise)
- Making a Polishing Checklist. Highlight weight shift, Acceleration, Antic. and Overlap) <SyncSketch>
- Work in class on the Robot Punch (RP) due today at 9 pm
- Last check on hand in parameters, especially staging and resolution
- Balance and Weight Shift