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Illidan says your online presence needs refinement |
Class outline ASAP
What do you want to be when you grow up? - (35 59 36)
LinkedIn, Artstation, or Website
and Create your own (Assignment 1)
LinkedIn/Profile (LP). This is worth 10% of your final grade and is due at the end of class 3.
and Create your own (Assignment 1)
LinkedIn/Profile (LP). This is worth 10% of your final grade and is due at the end of class 3.
Students create a LinkedIn profile and an Artstation profile (or personal website) and provide a plain text file with the web address link to both.
File should be named <Lastname>_<Firstname>_LP.txt (eg. Latour_David_LP.txt)
What I'll be grading on this assignment:
- Does your LinkedIn profile have a professional looking picture that accurately represents you?
- Have you created a 'Mission statement' on your LinkedIn profile?
- Is you LinkedIn profile fully filled out with Work and Education history?
- Does your LinkedIn profile use appropriate language and is free from typos, and profanity?
- Do you link your two pages together with LinkedIn connecting to your Artstation and vice versa?
- Does your Artstation page (or website) have some samples of your work?
File should be named <Lastname>_<Firstname>_LP.txt (eg. Latour_David_LP.txt)
What I'll be grading on this assignment:
- Does your LinkedIn profile have a professional looking picture that accurately represents you?
- Have you created a 'Mission statement' on your LinkedIn profile?
- Is you LinkedIn profile fully filled out with Work and Education history?
- Does your LinkedIn profile use appropriate language and is free from typos, and profanity?
- Do you link your two pages together with LinkedIn connecting to your Artstation and vice versa?
- Does your Artstation page (or website) have some samples of your work?
Share/Pair criteria for good Professional profile (LinkedIn) Note relevancy, current info, artist description. Should showcase best work experience.

- what's your area of interest?
- personal but not too personal (what are you like?)
- educational criteria (diploma vs degree)
- professional network
- no personal pictures (think of job interview)
- where you live?
- keep it professional
- volunteer work
- related skills
- reccomendations (relevant to postion)
- well written, spelling, language, logic
- smiling picture
- Linking: to portfolio, other social media (professional),
- work history (clear concise, responsibilities vs skills used)
Share/Pair criteria for good Artstation profile/website/blog. Focus on principles that are univeral.
Hand out Asset planners (Assignment 2)
Asset Planners (AP) This is worth 10% of your final grade and is due at the end of class 3.
Using the provide templates, student fill out a plan for 3 assets that they intend to work on until the midterm. They can be previously existing projects needing refinement, 3 original worksm, or any combination of the two. The criteria for these assets should be:
- Each asset should take no more than about 10 hours of work to complete
- Each asset should be selected as appropriate for inclusion in the students online portfolio
- Thourough planning should be provided for each step in the asset revision
Refer to the populated template and the description template as a guide when filling out your own asset planner. Any catagory that is not required should be left blank. Be sure to include planning sketches showing the intended revisions clearly as well as images of the initial asset for comparison.
This planning process shouldn't take more than 1 hour per asset.
Asset planners should be named: <Lastname>_<Firstname>_<Assetname>.xlsx (eg. Latour_David_RunAnim.xlsx)
What I'll be grading on this assignment:
- Have you provided a clear description of each step to be taken on your revisions?
- Are the fields of the template filled out correctly with the appropriate information?
- Are fields that are not applicable left blank?
- Does the asset planner include images to support description of the intended revisions?
- Are the asset planners named correctly?
As time allows: let's critique Dave's online profile/protfolio